Under The Radar: Games People Shouldn't (but do) Ignore or Forget

It's sad but it's true. Sometimes, a great video game either fails in sales and gets forgotten or time buries it with the crap studios like EA processes (Curse juggernaut studios like them for polluting the industry with crap like bad movie based games). Thank goodness there are people like me who remember some of the greatest games that either were forgotten by poor sales or through time. Here's a couple of my favorites of them:
Freedom Fighters- Ever wondered what would happen if the world super powers back in the Cold War were the other way around? Well, someone in the gaming world did, and thus Freedom Fighters was born. The game takes place in an alternate timeline where Russia, the world's largest super power, invades the U.S. to expand their borders. Now it is up to a plumber-turned-freedom fighter to recruit people to send the ruskies back. The thing that makes the game charming, other than the story, is the fun you can have playing this game. The gun controls are tight, the pace is exciting and the squad commanding is a load of fun. That's probably the best part. Throughout the game, you recruit new fighters to your squad. Fortunately for you, they can hold their own. So check it out if you get the chance.
Psychonauts- Who says video games can't be funny? This game is one of the funniest, wittiest and most original games I've ever played. I think the reason people didn't catch on to it is because of its quirky Tim Burton esque feel. The story is quite unique, which puts you in the shoes of a psychic in training named Razputin (Raz for short). In a psychic summer camp, you discover that one of the counsellors is planning a diabolical plot and is stealing the brains of your fellow campers (turning them into TV craving morons). So Raz must enter people's heads in an attempt to dicover clues to how to stop the plot. The writing is fresh, the levels are awesome (especially one that deals with a conspiracy nut job) and the character are wacky and charming in a Tim Burton way (one of them looks like a cotton candy on a stick. Is that not hilarious?). Check this game out immediately.
Viewtiful Joe- Man, whatever happened to this game? It was so fun and awesome, yet it has no more popularity anymore. This game was quite the gem. The story centers around Joe and his girlfriend going to a movie, only to have the movie break the fourth wall and abduct his girlfriend. Now Joe must enter the movie (equipped with new super powers and an awesome costume) and fight his way through hoardes of movie bad guys to save the day. Man, this game had it all. Fun action, a lame catch phrase (it wasn't horrible but it wasn't catchy), and just a sense of unbridled fun. A recommend for anyone who has a Gamecube and especially a Playstation 2 (you can unlock Dante from Devil May Cry in that version).
There are so many games that need our attention. We can't keep neglecting them like this.
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