Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots- An equivalent to TV's Lost

Man, if there ever was a video game that had you scratch your head in puzzlement so much your scalp burned, it's got to be the Metal Gear series. There are so many twists, turns and convolution that many are still trying to find answers to it's mysteries. The next game doesn't seem to help much for this problem. Though there has been almost an hour's worth of footage and trailers that have been released for the game (I kid you not!), far too many questions have been raised that need to be answered. Among some of the notable ones for the new game includes:
1. What's the deal with Raiden? Is he completely a robot now or what? I mean seriously, if he can stab a sword through himself and still live, there's got to be something strange going on behind it.
2. How did war become the new hot product of that era? As it has been explained in the new E3 trailer, war is now the most marketable and economical product on the market, surpassing oil in its importance. But how does something like that happen?
3. What's the new Foxhound unit like? Our only glimpse to this was when Meryl from the first game made a cameo and explained her role in the new Foxhound. But does that mean she is an ally or a foe, especially since Foxhound became Snake's enemy after a while.
4. How did Liquid ascend to power over the Private Mercenary Companies? I'm assuming that Liquid has planned this thing all throughout the series, but just how does a man achive that power? What's more, how can a freakin' hand possess someone like how Liquid possessed Ocelot?
5. What bosses will appear in the new game? Metal Gear has always been known for its awesome over-the-top boss battles, so it will be interesting to see what will happen this game. We know that Vamp from Metal Gear Solid 2 will make an appearance, but what new or old bosses will come around?
6. Will this game justify the PS3's exsistence? This is more a question of Metal Gear as a product rather than the game's mythos. The PS3 has had a very rocky opening, with a slew of bad games and a sales killing price tag. So will MGS4 really be worth owning a PS3 for something other than Resistene: Fall of Man?
7. Will Vamp actually die? Geez, while this guy is pretty cool, it's a tad unfair that he can withstand a sniper shot through the chest, a knife through the chest and many other wounds but still live. Will Raiden actually be able to kill him?
8. Why do the new Metal Gear robots moo? Further more, why do they take a dump after everything they do? Heck, what's with the new Metal Gear's overall?
9. Will the story deliver? The series has been known for many things, but nothing is more important to the series than an awesome though convoluted political conspiracy story. So will this game continue the great trend.
10. What's with the young Snake seen in one of the later trailers? That was a big surprise, since we know the story focuses on Old Snake. Is there another clone of Big Boss somewhere in this world?
And the most important question of all:
11. What will happen to Snake? The E3 trailer from 2006 ended (with exception to Raiden's awesome fight against 13 Metal Gear's) with Snake putting a pistol into his mouth contemplating suicide. It's also a shame that we know that if he doesn't kill himself, his clone degeneration will destroy him slowly and painfully. So, how will Snake end his glorious career? That is the biggest mystery and concern for Metal Gear Solid 4.
I hope all these questions will be answered when the game releases. I am eagerly waiting to see how things turn out (unless it ends like Lost with more questions than answers).
I like the metal gear solid's stories. There weird but that's why there cool because everything is so unexpected. Metal Gear Solid 4 looks absolutely amazing. I'm on the verge of maybe buying a PS3 just for that game. (But I'm still waiting to see what else they may have, although "Home" looks pretty cool)
Yeah, I love Metal Gear too. I hope MGS 4 is just as good as the last few.
I'm curious, what consoles do you own? I own a 360, ps2, and gamecube (and regular xbox but that doesn't really matter since I have a 360). I'm trying to decide what to get first a Ps3 or a wii. Ps3 has metal gear solid coming, but Wii has super smash bros. coming and I'm a huge fan of both franchises
I am a huge fan of both too (but for Smash Bros, no one is a bigger fan than my next door neighbor. He's so fanatical about it, he counts the days until it releases, he goes to any tournament that plays it and he plays it more than any other game). I have an Xbox 360, a PS2, a Gamecube and a Game Boy Advance. My sister also has a DS. I would like to get those consoles as well, but I will wait until after the holiday season to see which is worth my time and money. Which only makes me more upset cause MGS4 is said to be delayed until after the holidays.
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