Video Game Bait = Our Comic Book Movies?

Has anyone else notice that in a world where there seems to be numerous comic book films coming out in theaters, at the Bait an Oscar contest there are so few? As a matter of fact, I think the only ones have been published are Tony's famous Batman trilogy, and D.W.'s underrated Mad Love(07) (Which was an adaptation of a Batman story) As a matter of fact, it appears that it seems like our version of comic book films for the contest are video game baits, and just like with real life comic book films, there has been some great attempts at successfully baiting a video game adaption (like Fallout, Criminal Origins, etc.) We even have our more cult video game hits (like Legend of Zelda: End of Forever) that can compare to the different breed of comic book films that are coming out (Like 300, The Spirit).
So what makes baiters compelled to stay away from comic book adaptations rather than video game adaptions? One might argue it's because Hollywood is taking all the good heroes, but that didn't stop Tony from giving us one of the best BAITS (superhero or not) in the contest, even though there were already 5 batman movies prior to when he released the bait.
Could it be because people think video game baits have baitier stories than comic book stories? Well if history tells us anything it's quite the opposite, since there is not even ONE really good video game movie out there (I can't even think of one that comes close), while there are at least several good comic book movies I can name right now (The Dark Knight, Iron Man, X2, Sin City, Spiderman-2)
Maybe it's because a comic book bait wouldn't have the same appeal, unless it's batman? I believe if your willing to do what Tony did, and give a whole new and unique take on a comic book character than you can deliver a great bait. Everyone in Metropolis is fine and dandy with what Superman does in most of his movies, but why not bait a superman movie where he is ridiculed and hated by society? Something like a Dr. Manhattan type storyline (He's from Watchmen) Hell, why not a Wonder Women bait that also focuses on exploring her view of Men, maybe even adding in some subtle lesbian undertones.
I really have no idea why more comic book baits haven't been baited in the past. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, or that I'm annoyed by it. It just seems weird that with all the comic book movie hype that has gone on in the last few years we only have a handful of comic book baits. Maybe the answer is simple. Maybe we just don't have a zGamer for comic books in the contest yet. But until zComicbookfan submits his first bait to the contest, I guess video games will remain the ideal of the two.
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