Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bryce's Thoughts on August

I think that this month was a pretty good month for the contest. Not as good as last month (July, which I would say is the best month so far) but still a good month. For the past few months my top 5 have been completely different than the actual nominees. This month 3 out of the 5 nominees (Bee-Bee's Funhouse, Quiet Room, and The Winter Sun) were on my top 5 so looks like my taste in baits is back lol. I'm actually bummed out Fallout didn't get nominated for Best Picture. It's my favorite zGamer video game bait, and the way he tackled the project made the story very baity. Plus getting Jack Bender as director is brillant, I thought at least Bender would be nominated. Six Days in 67 was also snubbed. I can understand Chiwetal being snubbed, and the same for it's director, but it should have been nominated for Best Picture. Oh Well, I guess if the Oscars were predictable it wouldn't be that much of a fun contest. My prediction, which is an obvious one, is that The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson will take home the prize. I have a feeling if there is any upset, it will be from Bee-Bee's Funhouse (which actually won the SAG award) I want to thank everyone that gave support to The Courtroom. Six nods is really good considering it had some pretty mixed reviews. I'm just happy Will Smith got a nod. Hopefully him and Tom Hanks get some more exposure now.

On another note I plan to start doing some segments on the blog (both for movies and the bait an oscar contest). I'll reveal them when I do them, but I think there pretty fun ideas, and hopefully will be good reads. Anyway, thanks for reading and stay tuned for those segments. And be sure to check out my two baits in September "Knights of the Old Republic" and the very experimental "Project Sin"


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