Inside Look at the Sin...the Project Sin

Project Sin is about a group of astronauts in the year 3970 that goes on a secret mission across the galaxy that requires them to abduct the inhabitants of unexplored planets. As the mission goes on, the crew becomes more and more engulfed in their own sins, which results in disaster.
Obviously, I wouldn't of revealed that much if the bait's synopsis didn't go more into details of what actually happens in the synopsis.
The bait is written in first person. The reason behind it, is because I wanted to try and convince audience that this was a Paul Thomas Anderson film, and the first person dialogue helps create the atmosphere that is usually in a P.T.Anderson Film. P.T.A. usually uses a lot of curse words in his films but I tried to tone that down, so it wouldn't disturb audiences. I'd rather they be disturbed by the visuals I give.
The bait is pretty long. On Microsoft Word it went to four pages (this includes the principle cast, synopsis, tagline, press section, etc.). I usually like to cut down my baits and make them a lot shorter, but I felt cutting the synopsis and press section would not make the bait as effective as I think it is now. So I really just tried to make it as concise as I can. Hopefully it will be a great read for some.
I know I'll probably get some marks for it being "unbaity" but I haven't experimented in a while, and have sticked to "safe" baits for the past few months, so I figured I do something unique.
I hope readers will enjoy my August bait "Project Sin", and also make sure to check out my other bait, a team bait with zGamer, "Knights of the old Republic", and good luck to everyone in September.
Sounds a lot like Solaris. I like your general idea and director choice though.
thanks for the comment. I've never seen Solaris but I read the synopsis on IMBD, and I can see some similarities, but overall Project Sin will be completely different.
Can't wait to read it, poster looks real good as well.
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